God Will Test You Before Your Breakthrough

God will test you before your breakthrough. He wants to see what your made of, if you can handle the tasks He’s going to put before you.

When people join into a ministry or start a ministry they think it’s a bed of roses, but let me tell you it’s not.

The minute you say “Yes” to God, He’ll start trying and testing you, teaching and training you, so be ready to go through these times.

God wants you to urge Him, to push Him to chase after him. This is shown again and again in scripture.

You can find more information on Benny HInns Ministry here.

God Will Test You Before Your Breakthrough

Sometimes preparation for your ministry might take a lot longer than you think. Abraham had to wait 25 years until he fulfilled the promise to him. Moses was 80 when he led the children of Israel out of Egypt, but this was a task God had prepared him for. The first 40 years were spent being raised in the palace at Egypt, and the next 40 years were spent living in the wilderness as a Shepherd. Moses was an EXPERT of both environments by 80 years of age and THIS was when he started to fulfill his God given calling.

Do not be discouraged when you’re going through tests, trials and dry seasons, all of these things are preparation for something much greater, don’t let disastrous things pull you away from your God given calling.

Always remember, no matter how intense the opposition, the fight, the frustration that God will always test you before your breakthrough.

We’re looking at several tests you’ll go through.

Cling to the Word of God and don’t let anything sway you. If your years of hard work suddenly amount to nothing, cling to the Word of God, if your reputation gets utterly destroyed, cling to the Word of God, if you lose everything you have, cling to the Word of God.

  • Time Test (during this time God puts you on the shelf, and wants to see that you never turn away from Him)
  • Word Test (how faithful you can be to someone else in ministry etc…)
  • Ability Test
  • The Wilderness Test (which forces you to pray)
  • … Want to know the rest of the tests? Watch the video!

These tests show you if you’re worthy to be chosen, because it says in scripture ALL are called. But not all are chosen.

Are you convinced now, that God will always test you before your breakthrough?

What tests have you gone through, we want to hear them, so we can all encourage each other in the Lord.

If you’d like prayer please be sure to post on the prayer wall so we can lift you up before the thrown of God as brothers and sisters in Christ.

3 thoughts on “God Will Test You Before Your Breakthrough”

  1. jacqueline Sinclair

    Fiona dear sister in Christ,
    The Lord wants to give you the best not just any job so wait on Him and I
    will pray for you and watch as He works for and in you and see the miracle He will give you a job of your dreams.

    Jesus is the same today, tomorrow and in the future enjoy your blessing from God in the Hope of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen!
    Jacqueline Sinclair

  2. It’s True God will always test you before he bless you. My. Prayer item is help me pray to God to give me a job

    1. Jacqueline Sinclair

      Fiona dear sister in Christ,
      The Lord wants to give you the best not just any job so wait on Him and I
      will pray for you and watch as He works for and in you and see the miracle He will give you a job of your dreams.

      Jesus is the same today, tomorrow and in the future enjoy your blessing from God in the Hope of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen!
      Jacqueline Sinclair

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