
Fredrico Holmes is the founder of JesusMinistries.co.uk


Born in the Persian capital “Tehran”, Fredrico was raised and educated where majority consider themselves Muslim.

Due to the nature of the current regime in Iran, which can potentially be dangerous to him and his whole entire family, “Fredrico Holmes” is an adopted alias to protect his identity from any harm that may come from the establishment.

At his early age, as he was learning about the world and its creator, found particular interest in Jesus and Jesus’ ministry while growing up in a loving, warm, open minded and educated family who all believed in one living God and followed the humanitarian principals rather than the rules taught by men.

He was only about 5 or 6 years of age, when he developed an especial relationship with the Lord, and started to believe that the Lord God had anointed him to be a prophet, follow Christ, a thought considered taboo in the society even amongst the most liberal and open-minded crowds, so he decided to keep this a secret between himself and the Lord for the time being.


Fredrico neither believed nor did he ever practice Islam. When he was only about 11 years of age, he started challenging friends and relatives who were trying to practice the many rules of Islam, he even at one point challenged his religious teacher by reminding him of a verse in their own book of Quran, which says: “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion” (Al-Baqarah-2:256) at a time schools were making it difficult for the students to have any religious freedom by forcing them to pray their religious prayer at lunch time in the school yard or they would have to just sit quietly around the school yard.


Later on in life, Fredrico came to know Christ better when he learnt more about Christianity and the Word of God through a TV channel called TBN, from which he later grew out of, and then through his local evangelical Church where he received an in-depth training of the Scripture, and so he renewed his commitment to Christ as an adult.

Fredrico also developed a deep love and passion for England from his childhood, this was seen in his way of life, culture, mannerism, and even down to his eating habits. A true English gentleman from within.

His childhood visions, and prophecies of seeing himself as an English professor while practicing his Christianity freely came to pass, and he eventually moved to England, got settled, earned the respect of many around him in his local small church, at work, and in the society.

He studied further, and after working in a couple of industries for a few years as a Site Engineering Manager, he became a College / University Lecturer in Electrical / Electronic Engineering.

Soon after Fredrico got married, in spite of his wish to stay where he was in North East Lincolnshire with all the people he considered as family, he was compelled to move to the other side of the country and start a new life with his wife “Stacy” in North West Cumbria.

While keeping their base in the UK, they also lived together in the U.S.A for a few years to be closer to his wife’s family, but eventually returned to their home in England..


Fredrico has always strongly believed in what Jesus said to his disciples when he sent them out to “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons”, Jesus said; “Freely you have received; freely give”. Fredrico can often be heard repeating the words “Freely you have received, Freely give”, this became a stumbling block for him though, and for years delayed launching his worldwide ministries, which he always longed for and believed from a young age that he was anointed and gifted by the Lord to do.

However hard he tried to make this possible, he always faced the same old dilemma; “Either he had to work and have money, but no time or have time and no regular income”, But the Lord made him “lie down in green pastures”, the Lord God caused him to stop working, and compelled him to start his long overdue ministry totally relying on the Lord to provide and make ways.