How You Can Hear From God – Sermon

This video was originally published on our “Prophetic Word”, or “” YouTube channel on 29th of May 2022.

If you have a Church or a congregation anywhere in the world, where you would like to invite me as a guest speaker, I’ll be more than happy to bring to you anything God may lay on my heart at the time, but please give me at least a week notice, you may do so by contacting us via our site at

It was an honour to bring a prophetic word to a church in Pakistan where pastor Waqas had invited me to give a message as led by the Lord.

A lovely small house Church that should give you a different perspective of Christianity and what it means to risk your life for your faith, and still be faithful to God in the heat of summer in Pakistan in a small place without air conditioning.

I’d be interested to know how many of those super rich mega church owner preachers would accept to humble themselves to preach in such a place!

God is love, not money! To the Shame of those multimillionaire preachers who wouldn’t even answer a prayer request email. In this message, I point out how to hear from God referencing the book of Nehemiah.

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