Sea Monster Dream – Prophetic Word for 2022 and Beyond

If you’re facing a sea monster and would like prayer, please leave your request in the comments below.

ALSO if you’re already faced a sea monster and have come through victorious please share your testimony below to encourage the rest of us to be bold and strong in our walk with Jesus!

In this video I share my dream and then go through 4 different stories to back up the simple application relevant to all believers.

Stories of Obedience can be found in…

Daniel Chapter 3 which is the story of Shadrach, Meshack and Abed Nego, when they refused to bow down to the massive golden image set up by the king. The king was furious and had them thrown into the fire.

4 thoughts on “Sea Monster Dream – Prophetic Word for 2022 and Beyond”

  1. Mary Nguyen

    Hi Stacy,
    I saw a big black fish that resembled a monster in my dream last night. I could only see it’s fin and tail as it swam in a circle around me. In the dream I was sitting on the shore but suddenly the water level rose so high that I was surrounded by water, and I was with a person, and that person wasn’t terrified, as I was, but he laughed at my fear and because I was clinging onto him. That’s all I can remember of the dream.

    I remember at first being excited and amazed by the monster, but became scared as I couldn’t tell its intentions. Do you know what the dream could possibly mean?

    Please pray for me as I also pray for you and your husband, to the Lord our God, that you may never fail in love or lose the treasure of the holy faith, but rather, with all the hosts of Angels and Saints, may glorify His boundless mercy for all eternity.

    1. Hi Mary,
      Thanks for your comment. I don’t know what the dream means, but keep praying about it. The Lord sometimes reveals meanings over time, and as we go through situations in life more becomes clear. God bless you abundantly in your walk with Jesus. Stay close to Him and under His wings of protection especially when things seem to be uncertain in your life like in the dream. I pray that you’ll be moving into a new level of faith with Jesus even when life looks uncertain, and you’ll stand on the Rock, unshakable and unmoveable and many will be encouraged because of your faith during these times. God Bless You! In Christ, Stacy

  2. Pingback: Stacy's Black Sea Monster Dream, Prophetic Word for 2022 and Beyond | Christian Chat - Christians Chat Network News

  3. If you can Stacy I would love to talk with you I truly believe God put you in my path for a reason

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