How To Listen To God, Step by Step

So often we head to God with a “Thank you for this day,” and then a list of requests much like a shopping list, then after the “In Jesus name, AMEN,” we simply go about our day. We’ve missed the most precious time of our day, LISTENING to God answer and speak to us.

The next time you pray, before you even start your day, try asking God to speak clearly to you to show you what HIS plan is for your day(s), months and years and see what He says. God often speaks in surprising things but if we’re not quiet and slowed down enough to tune in and listen, we’ll end up missing His infinite wisdom and direction in our lives, sometimes they can be the greatest key to a huge wonderful turning point, but we have to LISTEN first.

Here’s an amazing video on listening to God, with some incredible examples of shocking things God has said to a few people that turned out to be the best turning points in their lives.

Have you ever had a point in your life where God instructed you to do something that sounded strange, only to later find out it was the best thing for you? Let us know about it, we love hearing and sharing other’s stories and journeys in the faith.

May God Richly Bless You,

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