Eli was told of Israel’s defeat, the death of his sons, and how the Ark of God had been captured by the enemies. It was not the defeat that was so shocking or the death of his sons (he’d already received a prophecy that they would die), it was the Ark of God being captured that caused Eli’s shock and his own death. The nation went into mourning as they heard the dreadful news.
The Israelites took the Ark of God to battle with them like a good luck charm, believing that this could save them when God was asking for repentance from sins, and obedience. At the time of this battle Israel’s spiritual state was a mess. They had a priestly system set up that had the appearance of godliness, but the corruption behind the scenes was shocking.
Many Christians carry good luck charms of God around with them by what they wear (like crucifixes, bracelets etc…) with godly symbols on them and trust these symbols will keep them holy or protect them from accidents. While there is nothing wrong with wearing these things, our trust should be in God alone and not in symbols of God. We should walk in righteousness, seeking God daily, asking for the forgiveness of our sins and live according to the guidelines set out in Scripture. These are the true things that keep us close to God, and safe, not symbols.
It’s a good practice to take a look at what you’re wearing and what you’re doing in your life and question if your trust is in those things or in God alone.