Nobody is exempt from mistreatment, criticism, and conflict. People throughout ages have suffered injustice and hurts at the hands of others, but the question is; Is the suffering making us grow more or less like Jesus?
As believers in Jesus Christ and the holy Bible, we should believe that nothing is an accident, they happen for a reason, even injustice and abuse, since they are allowed by the sovereign Lord.
We only need to look at the life of Job for instance to see that although he walked in God’s perfect will, but he suffered all sorts of affliction by Satan after God allowed that to happen, but in the end he was blessed more than before.
Or Joseph for example; He suffered more mistreatment and injustice than most people today can even imagine. He was sold as a slave by his own blood brothers, was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and therefor jailed for years and forgotten about. For those years, it appeared as though no good thing would ever come out of that, but God’s hand was in it all. Joseph learnt more about God’s way of doing things, and was being trained for the future.
The same applies to all of us. The Lord wants us to shift our focus away from the wrongs done to us, and the pain we’ve suffered to keeping our eyes fixed on Him. He reveals His ways and purposes through His Word, and His Holy Spirit will guide us and enable us to respond in a godly manner by forgiving the offenders.
Think about Joseph’s words to his brothers: “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gen.50:20). Remember, that is true in your life too. The heartache you carry can be used for good if you’ll forgive your offenders and trust the Lord’sways.
Romans 8:28 World English Bible (WEB)
“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.”