The keys to vitality when your life seems like a drought.
If you’ve ever lived in a desert or experience a long bout of no rain then you’ll understand how important water is. No water means plants dry up, crop wither, animals get weak as they get thirsty, the ground dries up, and when there’s a wind then dust begins to blow. For many life feels like this, dry, futile, unsatisfying and fruitless.
For believers this should never be the case! Even if what we’re going through in life resembles a dry fruitless period we have the ever-flower living water of the Holy Spirit. The Bible describes the Holy Spirit as a river of living water. He is seen as a source of vitality and abundance in our lives. The work of the Holy Spirit never stops in us, it is ever flowing as His sanctifying work transforms us into the image of Christ.
The Holy Spirit is so wonderfully creative in His ways of speaking to us. Getting to know the Spirit is a lifelong process as we walk in obedience to Him. His convictions guide us to repentance, He brings light to passages of Scripture we hadn’t understood before, His comfort when we’re hurting is so gentle and tender, and His warnings and promptings keep us from going down the wrong path.
Because the life-giving Spirit dwells within us, no Christian has to live a dry, fruitless life. Of course, if we opt to live as we please and indulge in sin, we’ll quench Him. But the more we learn of Him in Scripture and walk with Him in obedience, the more His life will flow through us.