Do you think of yourself as a person of prayer? In other words, does your devotion to the Lord express itself in a desire to be with Him, to bring Him all your concerns, and to know Him more deeply?
David was a man of prayer. Whether he was facing threats, confessing sin, or voicing praise and gratitude, his consistent habit was to call out to God. The result of his devotion was an intimate relationship with the Lord.
When we are serious about prayer, we too will discover increasing intimacy with God. As we spend time talking with our heavenly Father and reading His Word, we’ll start to see the world from His divine perspective—things that matter to God will become our concerns as well, and our petitions will increasingly reflect His interests and desires. Then as we see prayer requests answered, faith will strengthen and our heart will overflow with gratitude and love.
In time, the discipline of prayer and consistent exposure to Scripture begins to have a purifying effect upon us. When we allow regular study of God’s Word to fuel our communion with Him, the Holy Spirit implants His truth deep into our heart. As the Lord reveals personal areas of ungodliness, the Spirit gives us power to change. What’s more, we learn to recognize where to become involved and how to invest our time, finances, and spiritual gifts in His work.
The benefits of prayer are many, but greatest of all is the joy derived from being with the Lord whom we’ve grown to know and love.