John 16:12-15 talks of “things you cannot bear” or mysteries. The ways of God are a mystery to man. It even says in the Old Testament that God speaks to His prophets in mysteries and riddles. When we receive the Holy Spirit into our lives the mysteries can only then start to unfold into understanding and wisdom. The Spirit of God uses three methods to open our mind and fill our heart with godly wisdom.
1. Revelation. This term refers to truth that is given by the Lord and cannot be obtained in any other way. The Scriptures are the most obvious example. Anyone, believer or not, can read God’s Word and understand some portions, but only a Spirit-filled believer can begin to grasp the layers of meaning within the Bible.
2. Illumination. We use this word to describe the amazing moment when the Holy Spirit enlightens our mind so that we understand God’s Word. We can read other books a few times and have a thorough understanding of them. But the Lord reveals ever-deeper truths about Himself as we mature in our faith (Eph. 1:17-18).
3. Remembrance. The Holy Spirit reminds us of godly principles or biblical passages when we need them. He helped the gospel writers recall events and Jesus’ words many years after the fact. And He does the same for us when we could use encouragement, inspiration, or comfort.
It’s so important to memorize Scripture and store up wisdom so the Holy Spirit has a reservoir to dip into to when He’s trying to open our eye’s to something new. When we don’t have a clear understanding of Scripture and are listening to people’s interpretation of Scripture instead of going directly to the source it can cause all sorts of unnecessary confusion.