What foundation truths in Christianity are uncompromisable?
Does it make any difference what we believe? Yes, because what we hold to be true affects every area of our life. If we don’t have a crystal clear understanding of why we embrace our own convictions, then we will waver in our faith and poorly represent Jesus Christ to others. The problem is, most people have only a vague idea about their beliefs. It’s wise to consider foundational truths that govern our thinking and lifestyle.
The first and foremost foundational truth must be regarding the Bible itself. Every part of the Bible is “God-breathed” (2 Tim. 3:16 WEB). This means the Lord chose certain individuals to convey specific messages at particular moments in history. Then He exercised sovereignty over every idea and recollection included in the text, and the human authors could not deter His purpose.
In light of the fact that people were involved in the writing process, it is understandable that some question the Bible’s reliability. Yet this remarkable book is perfectly trustworthy and accurate because God was doing the speaking and the overseeing. He also made sure there would be substantiating evidence. You have undoubtedly heard about the discovery of numerous ancient scrolls—despite their age, nothing in them has contradicted the reliability or accuracy of Scripture.
When you pick up a Bible, realise what you hold in your hand. It isn’t merely ink on paper—it is the living Word of God, which He lovingly gave mankind so that we would grow in our relationship to Him.