This is perhaps the most difficult thing to do in life. When we have troubles overshadowing us, chaos surrounding us, and it’s just a battle to face the day sometimes, but there is immense comfort for those who are able to fulfil this command to “Be still.”
Being still in the midst of all that is surrounding you isone of the most helpful habits you can acquire in life, and not just being still, but in that stillness knowing that it is God that is your refuge and strength. Taking time to be still on it’s own and clearing your mind can be likened to yoga or new age meditation. You should never do this. It opens up your mind and body to unwelcome spirits. Being still and filling your thoughts with God’s goodness, and taking refuge in Him can take depression away in one day, give you crystal clear perspective on a situation that might otherwise be impossible to deal with, and lift heavy burdens off your mind.

If you haven’t taken time to be still in the midst of God’s present today, try to make it priority, and let the peace of God flood your soul and spirit.