
Fredrico Holmes, the founder of JesusMinistries.co.uk


Fredrico Holmes, born in the vibrant heart of Tehran, grew up in a society where faith in Islam is a cornerstone of identity.

Yet, Fredrico’s journey took a different path—one that led him to a deep and personal connection with Jesus Christ. From an early age, he found himself captivated by the teachings of Jesus and felt a calling that was both profound and perilous in a land where such beliefs could invite severe repercussions.

Raised in a warm, loving, and intellectually curious family, Fredrico was taught to value humanitarian principles over rigid religious doctrines. This environment nurtured his unique spiritual path, leading him to develop a special relationship with the Lord at the tender age of five or six. He believed that God had anointed him to be a prophet, a follower of Christ—a belief that was too radical, and dangerous to share openly in his world.

To protect himself and his loved ones, Fredrico adopted the alias “Fredrico Holmes,” a name that would shield his true identity from the watchful eyes of the regime. His story is one of courage, secrecy, and unwavering faith, inviting intrigue and curiosity about the man who dared to walk a path less traveled in a society where conformity is often a means of survival.

Fredrico’s Courageous Defiance

From a young age, Fredrico stood apart, neither embracing nor practicing Islam, despite the pressures around him. At just 11 years old, he boldly began questioning the strict religious rules that friends, family, and even his teacher tried to impose. In one unforgettable moment, he challenged his religious teacher by quoting the Quran itself: “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion” (Al-Baqarah-2:256).

This was a perilous time in Iran. The theocratic regime, determined to quash any dissent and prevent a return to the freedoms enjoyed before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, was ruthlessly silencing those who opposed their ideology. Schools became a battleground for indoctrination, where authorities sought to maintain their grip on power by stifling religious freedom. Students were forced to participate in religious prayers during lunch or sit quietly in the schoolyard, leaving little room for individual beliefs.

Fredrico’s defiance wasn’t just a personal stance—it was a courageous act in an environment where such resistance could have severe consequences. His story is a testament to the strength of conviction and the courage to stand up for one’s beliefs, even in the face of overwhelming opposition.

Growing in Faith

As Fredrico journeyed through life, his connection with Christ deepened profoundly. It all began with his discovery of Christianity through a satellite television network, which sparked his initial interest. However, it was in his small local evangelical church that Fredrico truly found his spiritual home. Immersed in the study of Scripture, he experienced a powerful renewal of his faith, solidifying his commitment to Christ as an adult.

Fredrico’s love for England was something that had been with him since childhood, a passion that shaped his way of life, culture, and even his eating habits. His dreams and prophetic visions of becoming an English professor while practicing his faith freely in this beloved land eventually came true. Moving to England, he settled into a life where he was respected by his peers at church, work, and within the community.

His professional journey led him to further his studies and, after years of experience in industry as a Site Engineering Manager, he transitioned to a role that truly fulfilled his secular calling—teaching as a College/University Lecturer in Electrical/Electronic Engineering.

Fredrico’s life took another turn when he married Stacy. Though he had hoped to remain in North East Lincolnshire, where he had built strong connections, life had other plans. The couple moved to North West Cumbria, where they began a new chapter. They also spent some time living in the U.S.A., to be closer to Stacy’s family, but eventually returned to their cherished home in England.

The Struggle and Obedience

Fredrico has always held fast to the teachings of Jesus, particularly the command to “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons,” and the profound message, “Freely you have received; freely give.” This principle guided his life but also presented a significant challenge. For years, this belief delayed the launch of the worldwide ministry he had always felt called to pursue. He faced the constant dilemma: work and earn money but have no time, or have time but no steady income.

Yet, in the midst of this struggle, Fredrico found peace in divine guidance. The Lord made him “lie down in green pastures,” compelling him to cease his work and step into his long-awaited ministry, trusting entirely in God’s provision. This leap of faith marked the beginning of a new chapter, one where Fredrico could finally fulfill the purpose he had carried in his heart for so long.


Fredrico and his wife have been tirelessly dedicating every waking hour, day and night, without any external assistance, to grow their secular channel and website. Their goal is to support themselves while running their ministry and producing content that serves the greater good as the Lord guides them. However, despite their unwavering efforts, Fredrico feels a deep ache in his heart—a sense that he has yet to fully answer his spiritual calling. The sacred and noble mission that has weighed so heavily on his soul for so many years still eludes his complete focus.

This is where your support becomes vital. By standing with them, you’re not just helping to sustain a channel or a website—you’re empowering Fredrico to pour his entire heart and soul into this divine purpose. Every gesture of support, every share, every word of encouragement, brings them closer to fulfilling this mission. We ask you to stay tuned, share their message, and be a beacon of light that guides them on this journey. Together, we can lift this burden and help them reach the spiritual fulfillment they have longed for.