People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous,without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash,conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
The above reading was from 2 Timothy 3:2-5 , but doesn’t the passage sound so much like the description of today’s world, which was predicted about 2000 years ago?
These were given as signs of the years leading up to Jesus’ return, which will be difficult.
Because of man’s ongoing sin against the Lord, ungodliness will continue to increase. We can see in our everyday life that the opposition to Jesus is growing, you can hardly talk about Jesus or God without being looked at as a regressive person who has somehow managed to travel time and come to this age from stone ages, the persecution that Jesus promised Christians would have (Mark 10:29-30) is already here, you can hardly speak out without the fear of being branded as some sort of lunatic or anti-something.
I for one was banned recently from commenting on a Facebook page where I simply stated what the Bible says about homosexuality.
Various sins that were once condemned, and God even punished people and destroyed cities for those sins have now become an accepted part of our so called modern society, and if you don’t like or approve of them, you will be margined and soon be labelled Anti-something or as having a disease of something-phobia.
Many people have bought into Satan’s lie that we can live without the Lord and still find happiness, prosperity, and peace—the devil tempted Eve to believe she could find satisfaction outside of God’s will, and he does the same with us today.New Age for instance teaches people that they can get to God from many various ways.
Today’s passage lists traits that will be common prior to Christ’s return:
Lovers of self; Self-centeredness (placing a priority on what will profit us most) and selfishness (wanting to keep what we have) will be rampant.
Lovers of money; The acquisition of wealth to fuel pleasures, provide security, or gain possessions will be a strong motivator.
Boastful; Pride caused Satan to be cast from heaven, and it prevents people from submitting to Jesus’ authority. Arrogance, which harms relationships and consequently damages many areas of life, will permeate society.
The Bible also describes other characteristics of the age.These will include abusive behaviours, unforgiving attitudes, and a lack of self-control.
It’s easy to see similarities between modern society and Scripture’s description of the years before Christ’s second coming. While discouraging, these prophetic signs are precursors of the day Jesus returns to set things right. Our hope is to rest in His promises, not in the circumstances around us.